
Boost Your Health With Gua Sha

Genre: Mind, Body & Spirit,

Score: 4

From 890 Ratings


Lean what Gua Sha can do for you and your body. For those who refuses western medical treatments or western medical treatments offer no hope, they turn to eastern medical treatments in hopes of cure. Besides, eastern medical treatments offer effective treatment with less or no side effects. This book shall reveal one of the best kept traditional Chinese treatment methods unknown to many, known as Gua Sha. Some topics covered in the book include: History of Gua Sha, Basics of Gua Sha, How To Perform Gua Sha, Application of Gua Sha, and much more. This Product Includes: Sales Page MRR License Graphics Download Page Lead Capture Page Privacy & Thank You Pages Promo Email Promo Articles Master Resale/Giveaway Rights License: Can be sold Can sell resale rights or master resell rights Can add the product into your product bundle or package and sell for a higher price Can be added to paid membership site Can give the product away for FREE

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