Genre: Health,
How to Sleep Like A Baby Even if You Have Sleep Apnea!. Sleep apnea is a condition when you temporarily stop breathing while you’re sleeping or the breaths that you take are shallow. The temporary breathing can last from a few seconds and go on for a few minutes. These breathing interruptions can happen so many times an hour, even more than 30 times within that 60 minute time span. Afterwards, you would breathe normal again. It may be accompanied by loud snorting or choking. This condition can interrupt you from getting a good night’s sleep. It causes you not to get as much sleep as you need to. Sleep apnea causes you to be tired and sleepy during the day.
Combat bad breath with this 30 page ebook. Discover how you can get rid of bad breath by using some very simple tips and tricks you can start using today from your home. From natural home remedies to over the counter medication that actually work. This ebook covers everything you need to know to prevent […]
Are Menopause Symptoms Playing Havoc With Your Health and Relationships? Are you tired of the mood swings, dryness, hair loss and wrinkles that come with the “change of life”? Do you want to do something about it but are wary of taking the estrogen or antidepressants usually prescribed for menopause symptoms? Then you need to […]
Learn how to wake up early and rise energetically. Sleep is a constantly recurring event characterized by reduced or absent consciousness. A state of relatively reduced sensory activity, Sleep is believed to be as important as being awake. It is the time where both the body and the mind recuperate from all the stress it […]
Eating Healthy
In simple terms the body has two very different and complex systems of energy producing sources. As energy is vital to the very existence of human activity and survival the two energy style depend on each other for support. This book shows you what foods give you the most energy.