Genre: Personal Development,
Being Disciplined Enough To Know What Deserves Your Attention. There are plenty of things in life that probably affect the way you make decisions, and different things which can grab your interest every now and then. However, the truth is, not everything in life really deserves your attention. There are instances when you simply need to let go of some things and divert your attention to those that are more important and urgent, those that really matter. In this book, hopefully, you will get to learn how to be disciplined enough in order for you to pinpoint those things that really deserve your attention and the ones that you simply need to forget.
The Ultimate Guide to Getting off Your Behind. You Can Change Your Life Forever and Discover Success by Overcoming Procrastination. Procrastination Killers is much more than just a generic book about procrastination, because it provides genuine practical steps you can take to really overcome the procrastination that hinders your success in all areas. It will […]
The Biggest Key To Success In Internet Marketing – And In Leading A Highly Successful Life Can Be Found Right Inside Yourself! Did you know that 99.92% of the people trying to earn a living on the Internet are failing miserably? They are working an 8 to 10 hour a day job and then coming […]
Ever wondered why you always give up on things? In this book you will find some of the best advice on the power of perseverance so you will never give up ever again!
The first step to making positive changes in your life is to overcome your negative thoughts. The best way to change your thinking pattern is to reprogram your mind and blast your brain with positive affirmations that can lead you towards your desired results. While this process cannot bring about instant change, it can actually […]
The People Who Read This Book Will End Up Feeling Freedom Mentally, Emotionally And Spiritually! Let’s face it – We all know the fact that we are trapped within our mind and unable to fully enjoy life the way we wanted to. If we are free from worries and concerns, we’d be living our life […]
The Quiet Mind
Why have psychologists and psychiatrists become extremely busy these days? The answer is pretty simple. Research has shown that a huge number of people find it extremely difficult to cope with the stress and strain of this highly demanding world. When they cannot find a solution to various issues, they inevitably go to qualified professionals […]