
Mind Hacking Secrets

Genre: Personal Development,

Score: 5

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Don’t worry—when I write about ―mind hacking,‖ it’s not to tell you about someone or some organization that is trying to hack your mind. No, this eBook will actually teach you how to hack your own mind for its greatest potential, so that you can reach your maximum personal potential as well. Specifically, this eBook will focus on the power of your mind in the face of difficulties that can keep you from reaching your goals if you let them. This is absolutely not one of those eBooks with a simple formula for success that makes life sound like a primrose path. It’s not! Life is hard, and obstacles get in our way. There are ups and downs, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. How do you persevere through them all to reach the objectives that you have? You will find out in this eBook as we dig deeply into the power of the mind.

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