
Rich Marketer, Poor Marketer

Genre: Business, Finance & Law,

Score: 4

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Writing Rich Marketer Poor Marketer has been a determined effort… we have written this eBook with the intention of making people aware that becoming rich is not something that is too difficult to do, not with all the tools that we have at our disposal right now. What does becoming rich mean? For us, it means having enough money to meet our needs. Not having to worry where the next installment or bill will be paid from. Having a security of work and steady income. Most importantly, being rich is the power to be able to do what we want with the people who mean the most to us. This is what we think being rich actually means. But, a lot of people have an entirely wrong idea. They think it is an uphill task to become rich—they think they cannot do it without having some amazing skill or talent or getting a lucky break from somewhere. Lucky breaks do not happen. They need to be created. Opportunities need to be created. And this eBook is where you learn how you can do that… how you can gain control of your own life.

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