
Proven Pricing Strategies

Genre: Business, Finance & Law,

Score: 4

From 1092 Ratings


Secrets of Price Optimization Revealed! The last time you launched your own product to sell online, or even offline, how did you come to a conclusion about what price you were going to be selling at? You probably say you looked at the competition to see what they were charging. While this is a good start, it’s far from the whole picture, and you’re fumbling in the dark if you looking at competition is the only factor you’re taking into account. Did you know you can double your sales volume by doubling your price? So much so, that they’re putting customers off instead of attracting them (which is no doubt what they think they’re doing). Let this report dispel some pricing myths and dig right down to the real facts to ensure you get the most cash in your pocket the next time you launch one of your products. Below is a list of topics that you are about to discover: An Introduction Pricing Strategies; Getting Started The Bigger Picture Pricing With Regard To Competition Premium Products Sell At Premium Prices Wowing Through Price Is A Bad Move Don’t Be Afraid Time Are Changing Increase Sales by Presenting Choices Rewards For Customers Equals More Cash For You Trials And Lead Generation Banning The Word Cheap And so much more...

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