
American Gardener Ebook

Genre: Home & Garden,

Score: 4

From 780 Ratings


If you think people are born with a green thumb, THINK AGAIN! I used to have a brown thumb. I tried raising all sorts of plants, and no matter what type of plant it was they ALWAYS died! I tried planting rose bushes, and before the beauties could even bloom the bushes had become dried sticks without a touch of green. I tried planting corn, squash, beans and all sorts of vegetables and my garden didn't even produce a single kernel. Not even enough food to feed an ant. Believe me, I am sure that the ants and bees were laughing their heads off at me as they searched for food elsewhere. They sure weren't finding anything to eat in MY YARD! I figured maybe because I was living in Georgia, where red clay was a problem then I would try potted plants instead. I tried flowers, and they died. A friend suggested that I try growing a cactus, so I did, the cactus died. HOW CAN YOU KILL A CACTUS??? Someone else suggested that I try an Aloe Plant, because these things were indestructible. A friend gave me an aloe plant and the poor thing was dead within 3 months. Needless to say my friends quit suggesting things for me to grow. One even told me that if I got a fake plastic plant, with my luck, it would probably die too!

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placholder image

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